Classification of A.P. De Candolle
Gesneriaceae (1839) / Cyrtandraceae (1845)
Prodr. 7 (ed A.P. de Candolle): 523-547 (1839) and Prodr. 9 (ed. A. De Candolle): 258 - 285 (1845)

Note: Around 1830, Robert Brown and David Don recognised that the hitherto independent families Gesneriaceae (New World) and Didymocarpaceae D.Don = Cyrtandraceae Jack (Old World) must be united. This was stated by Don in a brief note following the description of Leucocarpus alatus (1931) and by Brown in a note to Aikinia (= Epithema), published in Wall., Pl. Asiat. rar. (1832). The formal union and the reasons for the union ware published much later, in the pre-print "On Cyrtandreae" (1839) (part of Bennet & Brown's "Plantae Javanicae rariores" 1838-1852). Due to the coindicence in time, De Candolle apparently was not aware of Brown's union. His account on the New World Gesneriaceae was published in 1839, that of the Old World Cyrtandraceae in 1845, four years after De Candolles death in 1841.

Gesneriaceae (1839)

Trib. I. Gesnerieae: Rhytidophyllum, Conradia [= Gesneria], Gesneria, Gloxinia, Achimenes, Picria [= Curanga, Scrophulariaceae] , Mitraria
Trib. II. Beslerieae: Besleria, Hypocyrta [= Nematanthus], Columnea, Drymonia, Klugia [= Rhynchoglossum], Tapeinotes [= Sinningia], Nematanthus, Alloplectus, Episcia, Sarmienta

Cyrtandraceae (1845)

Trib. I. Didymocarpeae
Subtrib. I. Liebigieae: Liebigia [= Chirita], Babactes [= Chirita]
Subtrib. II. Aeschynantheae: Aeschynanthus, Agalmyla
Subtrib. III: Lysionoteae: Lysionotus
Subtrib. IV. Eudidymocarpeae: Didymocarpus, Chirita, Streptocarpus, Baea [= Boea]
Subtrib. V. Ramondieae: Ramonda, Haberlea, Conandron
Subtrib. VI. Loxonieae: ?Monophyllaea, Rhynchoglossum, Napeanthus, Klugia, Loxonia, Rhabdothamnus
Subtrib. VII. Loxocarpeae: Loxocarpus, Quintilia [= Stauranthera], Stauranthera, Epithema
Didymocarpeae dubiae: Platystemma, ?Isanthera [= Rhynchotechum]

Trib. II. Cyrtandreae: Cyrtandra, Whitia [= Cyrtandra], Rhynchotechum, Centronota [= Aeginetia, Orobanchaceae], Fieldia