Classification based on molecular evidence
Based on various papers, including 

Roalson, E. H., L. E. Skog, and E. A. Zimmer. 2003: Phylogenetic relationships and the diversification of floral forms in Achimenes (Gesneriaceae). Syst. Bot. 28: 593-608.

Roalson, E. H., J. K. Boggan, L. E. Skog, and E. A. Zimmer. 2005. Untangling Gloxinieae (Gesneriaceae). I. Phylogenetic patterns and generic boundaries inferred from nuclear, chloroplast, and morphological cladistic data sets. Taxon 54(2): 389–410.

Roalson, E. H., J. K. Boggan, and L. E. Skog. 2005. Reorganization of tribal and generic boundaries in the Gloxinieae (Gesneriaceae: Gesnerioideae) and the description of a new tribe in the Gesnerioideae, Sphaerorrhizeae. Selbyana 25(2): 225–238.

Smith, J.F., 2000b: A phylogenetic analysis of tribes Beslerieae and Napeantheae (Gesneriaceae): parsimony and maximum-likelihood analyses of ndhF sequences. - Syst. Bot. 25: 71-80.

Smith, J.F., 2000c: Phylogenetic signal common to three data sets: combining data which initially appear heterogeneous. - Pl. Syst. Evol. 221: 179-198.

Smith, J.F., 2001: The phylogenetic relationships of Lembocarpus and Goyazia (Gesneriaceae) based on ndhF sequences. - Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 88: 135-2001.

Smith, J.F., Atkinson, S., 1998: Phylogenetic analysis of the tribes Gloxinieae and Gesnerieae (Gesneriaceae): Data from ndhF Sequences. - Selbyana 19: 122-131.

Smith, J.F., Brown, K.D., Carroll, C.L., Denton, D.S., 1997: Familial placement of Cyrtandromoea, Titanotrichum and Sanango, three problematic genera of the Lamiales. - Taxon 46: 65-74.

Smith, J.F., Carroll, C.L., 1997: Phylogenetic relationships of the Episcieae (Gesneriaceae) based on ndhF sequences. - Systematic Botany 22: 713-724.

Smith, J.F., Wolfram, J.C., Brown, K.D., Carroll, C.L., Denton, D.S., 1997: Tribal relationships in the Gesneriaceae: Evidence from DNA sequences of the chloroplast gene ndhF. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden. 84: 50-66.

Smith, J.F., S.B. Draper, L.C. Hileman, and D.A. Baum, 2004: A phylogenetioc analysis within tribes Gloxinieae and Gesnerieae (Gesnerioideae: Gesneriaceae). Syst. Bot. 29: 947-958.

Smith, J.F., M.M. Funke, and V.L. Woo,  2006: A duplication of gcyc predates divergence within tribe Coronanthereae (Gesneriaceae): phylogenetic analysis and evolution. Pl. Syst. Evol. 261: 245-256.

Zimmer, E.A., Roalson, E.H., Skog., L.E., Boggan, J.K., Idnurm, A., 2002: Phylogenetic relationships in the Geserioideae (Gesneriaceae) based on nrDNA ITS and cpDNA trnL-F and trnE-T spacer region sequences. - Amer. J. Bot. 89 (2): 296-311.

Subfam. Gesnerioideae


Tribe 1. Beslerieae: Besleria, Gasteranthus, Cremosperma, Reldia, Resia, Tylopsacas
Tribe 2. Napeantheae: Napeanthus (s.l.)
Tribe 3. Gesnerieae: Gesneria, Bellonia

Tribe 4. Gloxinieae: Gloxinia (incl. Anodiscus and Koellikeria), Gloxinella, Gloxiniopsis, Mandirola, Monopyle, Nomopyle, Seemannia, Kohleria (incl. Capanea), Pearcea (incl. Parakohleria), Heppiella, Diastema, Lembocarpus, Goyazia, Phinaea, Niphaea, Smithiantha, Eucodonia, Achimenes, Moussonia, Solenophora 

Tribe 5: Sinningieae: Sinningia, Paliavana, Vanhouttea

Tribe 6: Sphaerorrhizeae: Sphaerorrhiza
Tribe 7. Episcieae: Episcia, Nautilocalyx, Chrysothemis, Corytoplectus, Alloplectus, Cobananthus, Rhoogeton, Drymonia, Paradrymonia, Alsobia, Neomortonia, Rufodorsia, Oerstedina, Columnea (s.l.), Codonanthopsis, Codonanthe, Nematanthus 

Tribe 8. Coronanthereae: Mitraria, Sarmienta, Asteranthera


Note: Sanango was placed along with Gesneria in Gesnerioideae-Gesnerieae by Smith et al. (1997), but this proved erroneous.